Monday, July 6, 2009

Reflections of the 4th

Reflections of July 4th, 2009
To be this guy - high in the sky, free, soaring, trusting, alone, reflectiive. We don't know who he is - but he flys over our home from time to time - the kiddos love to watch him come & go.
The "roofing" project. Grandpa needed a new roof - this is what we do, family comes together, working along side each other, not all of us can do the splits like Jonathan here, but heh, we do out part!

Sophia was on the grass saying over and over "Hi Daddy" and he patiently waved at her each time. that man.
The ground crew helpers picked up MANY nails and MANY shingles, throwing them into the back of Grandpa's truck to haul to the dumpster.
This is what they gathered.....

Butt shots - a family affair!

Things I didn't grab the camera for, but are committed to memory are: fireworks, lots of fireworks, partial family of 20 at the table, burgers and brats with friends, great pie, more fireworks, fulfilling weekend. Like Courtney said when is was all over..."that was fun."

1 comment:

Dee said...

Courtneys comment was the frosting on your cake. Great family day and good photography. A family that plays together, (works) together, stays together.:) Dee

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