Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lone Prairie Church

I love this church. It sits now on the Manitoba prairie between the 4 lane highway en route to my folks place. Instead of tearing it down in the progress of a twin highway, they went around it. I was glad they didn’t tear it down. A cemetery sits by it as well, which is probably what saved the church. Steve indulged me with stopping this time so I could check out the outhouse – yup, fully equipped one-holer with TP in a baggy. With the Red River flooding its banks this church suffered in spring 09. Its water damaged walls show the evidence of a hard life for the wood that holds it together. Birds still find refuge in the church eaves appropriately. The droppings by the door serve as a warning for the unsuspecting. I was thrilled to find the church unlocked. It felt sacred to stand in awe of the water stained walls with swags of white cloth honouring the sanctuary, making it seem aethereal.

A lone prairie church – sustaining life.
Babies being dedicated happened here.
Weddings happened here.
Funerals happened here.
Life happened here.

For some odd reason, this church gives me hope, yet gives me sadness at the same time.

Genesis 27:17
After waking from a dream in which he was taken into heaven, Jacob declared that the place where he had laid his head was the "house of God; this is the gate of heaven." He then built a pillar there.


Dee said...

I would love to spend some time alone in this house of worship and feel the pesence of the Lord.

Becky said...

Beautiful!! I love old churches!

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