Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Beer Bottle

The beer bottle:

 Day 1 – oh look, there is a beer bottle someone tossed out.  **pain** 
Day 2 – oh look, it is still there, wonder who threw it out?  **pain** 
 Day 3 – oh look, there is the same beer bottle sitting there, empty.  Who was drinking it?  Were they intoxicated and driving? Or just like “havin’ a Coca Cola” person? Did they make it home safely?  **pain**
Day 4 – oh look, there is the same beer bottle I’ve been pondering about.  I remember my cousin Kurt Friesen riding his bicycle home after visiting his girlfriend on a nice evening like this in 1981 late August , when a drunken man struck him from behind, leaving him a vegetable in the ditch until someone came along, found one of his shoes and upon further looking found Kurt unconscious in the ditch.  Kurt didn’t make it.  He was 17 years old and I still miss him.  His whole life gone.  Bottle of beer – shame on you.  Driver who tossed you, shame on you for littering and reminding me of this pain.  Kurt.  And others like Brandon, my bestie's son who was only 27.  And so many more.  That was a life changing year for me that altered the direction of my life back in 1981.
Not only do I hurt for those loved and lost – I hurt for the control this alcohol has had and does have over people I know and don’t know.  Family and friends.  Habits are hard to break – this is one bad habit.  This habit of another person has given us three of our children. 
Day 5 – oh look, there is that damn beer bottle.  I’m going to stop and get rid of it.  I’m going to pray before I recycle it that the mouth and hands that held this only enjoyed the hobs for their flavor like I enjoy a Coca Cola.  And that intoxication didn’t come into play on this beer bottle.   May the people fighting the demon of addiction for whatever substance of choice be given strength in their battle. Because I care - and love you too.
Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery.  Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW. My goodness Val. This needs to be shared EVERYWHERE!!
May the Lord hear your prayers and deliver the one who 'enjoyed' that beer.

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