Saturday, October 1, 2011

I’ve been here

Sophia leaves her mark in our bathroom…..the toilet roll is never the same after she visits. 
Let me talk about our master bathroom.  The older three have to knock and gain permission to enter our bedroom, let alone our bathroom aka first aid center. 

This little one with morning hair….
she just waltzes in because she is 4.  Because she can and does.  So, most of the time, she likes to use our bathroom, especially when I’m in it.  This might be showering, doing my makeup.  She brings in her blankie and usually a flashlight and sets up “talking camp” during the week while I shower/get ready.   I don’t have morning alone time usually.  I cherish both the mornings I can get ready by myself and with her. 
Most days I talk her out of showering with me because I don’t have time during the work week so she looks forward to weekends when I allow it once….and that usually means these……
come in the small shower for her entertainment.  I also spend a lot of money on leg shaving cream because she usually needs some in a tea cup, saucer or whatever.  It is very fun to smear all over.
The marvel of younger children is the trail in life they leave….this makes me ponder what trail in life am I leaving?  Do people see Jesus in me and know I strive each day to be His good child?  Some days I’m falling short, other days I’m feeling pretty good about my walk.   What am I leaving behind me?  We work hard at teaching all the kiddos to clean up after themselves that responsibility comes with a life lesson that can hold valuable.  That said, sometimes I think we are so busy erasing our paths behind us that we “hide” Jesus shining by the very essence of our trying to clean up behind us as we go.  

So, when the toilet roll shows Sophia has been visiting… makes me smile in my aggravation to challenge myself to leave a better trail myself.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Sophia is adorable!! I think you are leaving a trail behind.I can always see Jesus in your posts.

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