Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Today....I was back in 1999

Today, my eldest son turned 16 years old.  Wow, time does go fast.....it was only yesterday he looked like this and I remember the day he arrived to our home like it was yesterday.  Scared but smiling anyway, keeping watch over his brother in a protective way.  Such responsibility for a 2 year old. I fell in love with you the moment we met. I praised God for not only just the one child I'd prayed he'd bless us with, but that day was a double blessing and reminder God's timing has it's purpose. You my son, are such a blessing!

For all the rough spots we've made it this far and I'm proud of the young man you are becoming.  You can make me laugh and I wish I had half your energy.  

I know God has great things in store for him because I see his heart and know you can't have a heart like that and not do wonderful things in life.  Giving him wings that take him on the right path continues to be our parental earthly challenge as we lift him up to his heavenly Father on a daily basis for guidance and protection.

Love ya bud.....Mom and Dad

For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.” ~ John 6:40


Dee said...

16 already....I am sure he will do well in life with parents as great as you guys. I have enjoyed watching them grow up.

Dontmissyoursunsetlady said...

wow! Congrats bitter sweet I am sure.

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